Thursday 2 May 2019

witches - NaPoWriMo #27

It was written in deep magic -
in tongues that danced in shadows
of bubbling cauldrons
as green smoke filled the air - 
that no witch will stand alone.
It was said that we will stand
and stand together,
down to every drop of blood,
down to every dry bone.

And stand we do,
for the night brought on by Man
is not the easiest to melt into
a new dawn. 
Stand we do,
for our first lines of defence
are the very hands that we bring along.

Never bring a sharp tongue 
to a witches' fight, 
it is said -
for our quiet strength alone
can bring your downfall,
as long as we stand together.

And stand, we do.

always been fascinated by the raw magic and mystery surrounding the lore on witches.

wires (or why i like lines in the sky) - NaPoWriMo #26

never has the sky looked down
and declared that today,
dreamers must find new sights to see;
that birds must find
new places to be.

never has the sky decided
that a million wires
are enough lines to cut across
its silken expanses,
he always makes room for more -
neatly dividing spaces 
that everyone is allowed to 
dream in.

and so you ask me,
why the wires to cut in 
to his beauty?

and i'll say,
it's because he knows exactly
how they carry words to him,
which may otherwise
never be said again.

reference to my obsession with posting lyrics on telephone wires that cut across beautiful skies